Books Vs Movies – Why Books Are Better Than Movies?
Remember that feeling? You’ve been devouring this incredible book for weeks, getting utterly lost in its world. The characters have become like friends; their struggles and triumphs giving you all the feels. Their adventures have been unfolding so vividly in your mind’s eye thanks to the author’s brilliant descriptions. But now the final page has turned, and you’re not ready to let them go just yet. So, of course, you rush out to see the big, shiny new film adaptation the moment it hits theaters. You’re practically vibrating with excitement to see these beloved characters brought to life before your eyes. You eagerly grab your popcorn…and then, crushing disappointment. What gives? Why did the movie feel so pale and shallow compared to the book’s rich experience? I’ve lived that head-scratching letdown more times than I care to admit, most recently with the new Netflix series adapting Liu Cixin’s mind-twisting sci-fi epic The Three-Body Problem. Don’t get me wrong, I’m always stoked to see stories I love get the Hollywood treatment – there’s a special thrill …