All posts tagged: Biagi

Biagi Bros. posts pictures of its ten Nikola hydrogen semis

Biagi Bros. posts pictures of its ten Nikola hydrogen semis

Just hours after Nikola announced that it had completed the first North American deliveries of its hydrogen fuel cell electric semi trucks, Biagi Bros. Logistics took to social media to post pictures of its new fleet of Nikolas. Plural. While we’ve seen a few stories about Nikola’s HFCEV semi trucks in recent weeks, all those pictures of trucks looked kind of alike. Like, if you were a NKLA skeptic, they looked enough alike that you could squint and convince yourself that they were all pictures of the same truck, maybe. The Biagi Bros. pictures? They’re different. For starters, despite the fact that I’ve enjoyed a great relationship with both Nikola and Bosch – Nikola’s fuel cell and drive unit supplier – and have even ridden around in the trucks at a number of different events, I’ve never seen this many Nikolas trucks in one place. Add to that their striking green and yellow liveries and I think you’ll agree: it’s an impressive display. Biagi Bros. Nikola hydrogen trucks “In a world that is quickly changing, innovation is …