My Cancer Diagnosis Served As A Huge Life Wakeup Call | Eliot LeBow
It can be challenging for healthy people to find happiness. But for those who have been diagnosed with a terrible disease (or have loved ones who have been diagnosed), it can be even more difficult. But it isn’t impossible. To find out more, we asked several of our Your Tango experts to weigh in on how to be happy when you have cancer. No matter what, a bad diagnosis will make you rethink your priorities and what matters in life. While that can be scary or paralyzing, our experts say this can be a positive development. For instance, expert Joyce Fine suggested that those diagnosed should “consistently extend themselves to those they love, put first-world (luxury) problems in perspective, and be mindful of the happiness they can have right now — whether they have decades or moments more to live.” RELATED: How I Found Hope In A Terminal Prognosis — After Permitting Myself To Die Expert Stuart Fensterheim agreed, noting, “The sad part of terminal illness is you realize that you will miss the lost …