The news anchor behind the desk looked straight into the camera and said, “This is the start of a different program.” “I have told you many stories,” Juan Pedro Aleart, co-host of news program “From 12 to 14” in Rosario, Argentina, said in Spanish. “This is the first time that I will tell you mine.” Live on air for almost half an hour last week, Aleart told viewers of a nightmare within his family: allegations of a violent father who terrorized him and of a member of his extended family who sexually abused him from the age of 6. Nobody did anything to stop it, he said. “I know what it feels like: It’s degrading, it’s embarrassing,” he said, addressing male survivors of sexual abuse. “I know that many have not told their wives, their children, their friends, their psychologists.” “I want to say that the only path to healing is to put it into words, to talk about it, to denounce it,” he added. In text messages to The Washington Post, Aleart, 36, said …