All posts tagged: analytics

Get 0 Off a Year of Coursera Plus & Gain Unlimited Access to Courses in Data Analytics, Generative AI, Cybersecurity and Other Fields

Get $160 Off a Year of Coursera Plus & Gain Unlimited Access to Courses in Data Analytics, Generative AI, Cybersecurity and Other Fields

A heads-up on a Black Fri­day spe­cial: Between today and Decem­ber 2, 2024, Cours­era is offer­ing a 40% dis­count on its annu­al sub­scrip­tion plan called “Cours­era Plus.” Nor­mal­ly priced at $399, Cours­era Plus (now avail­able for $239.40) gives you access to 7,000+ cours­es for one all-inclu­sive sub­scrip­tion price. This includes Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cates from lead­ing com­pa­nies. Take, for exam­ple, the Data Ana­lyst Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cate from Meta, the Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cate from Google, or the AI Devel­op­er Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cate from IBM. The $239.40 annu­al fee—which trans­lates to 65 cents per day—could be a good invest­ment for any­one inter­est­ed in learn­ing new sub­jects and skills, or earn­ing cer­tifi­cates that can be added to your resume. Just as Net­flix’s stream­ing ser­vice gives you access to unlim­it­ed movies, Cours­era Plus gives you access to unlim­it­ed cours­es and cer­tifi­cates. It’s basi­cal­ly an all-you-can-eat deal. Explore the offer (before Decem­ber 2, 2024) here. Note: Open Cul­ture has a part­ner­ship with Cours­era. If read­ers enroll in cer­tain Cours­era cours­es and pro­grams, it helps sup­port Open Cul­ture. Source link

Learn Data Analytics & AI with Google, and Fast-Track Your Career

Learn Data Analytics & AI with Google, and Fast-Track Your Career

?si=azZbGLEr_9EFWypL We’re liv­ing in the age of data and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI). Every sec­ond, vast amounts of data are being gen­er­at­ed, processed, and ana­lyzed. And increas­ing­ly AI plays a cen­tral role in how that data gets man­aged. For com­pa­nies, gov­ern­ments, and indi­vid­u­als alike, under­stand­ing data is essen­tial. This makes Data Analytics—especially when accom­pa­nied by AI skills—a valu­able asset for most pro­fes­sion­als. Enter Google, which recent­ly launched a pro­fes­sion­al cer­tifi­cate in Data Ana­lyt­ics–one that will “have you job-ready in less than 6 months.” Offered on the Cours­era plat­form, the Data Ana­lyt­ics Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cate con­sists of eight cours­es, includ­ing “Foun­da­tions: Data, Data, Every­where,” “Pre­pare Data for Explo­ration,” “Data Analy­sis with R Pro­gram­ming,” and “Share Data Through the Art of Visu­al­iza­tion.” And now the course sequence has incor­po­rat­ed videos explor­ing how to lever­age arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence when work­ing with data. Over­all this pro­gram “includes over 180 hours of instruc­tion and hun­dreds of prac­tice-based assess­ments, which will help you sim­u­late real-world data ana­lyt­ics sce­nar­ios that are crit­i­cal for suc­cess in the work­place.” Upon com­ple­tion, students–even those who haven’t pur­sued a …

How next-gen data analytics is changing American football

How next-gen data analytics is changing American football

This article was originally featured on Knowable Magazine. Every year, shortly after the Super Bowl, America’s best college football players head to Indianapolis. It’s a rite of spring, like the migration of birds. Their destination is the Combine, a weeklong event where National Football League teams evaluate the talent to determine whom they’ll select during the upcoming NFL draft. In a convention center ballroom not far from the stadium, another “combine” is taking place. Here the marquee event is not the 40-yard dash but the six-minute research presentation. The competitors are not sports stars but data scientists who’ve come for the final round of the Big Data Bowl. Launched by the NFL in 2018, this competition challenges teams of researchers to apply analytics and AI tools to football data. Over the last several years, analytics have enabled NFL teams to evaluate players in ways not possible before—for example, assessing a defender’s ability to create tackling opportunities, not just completed tackles. Coaches use the metrics to streamline game preparation. And fans, as well as bettors and bookmakers, …

Exclusive: Standard AI shifts focus to computer vision analytics for retailers, now valued at .5 billion

Exclusive: Standard AI shifts focus to computer vision analytics for retailers, now valued at $1.5 billion

Join us in Atlanta on April 10th and explore the landscape of security workforce. We will explore the vision, benefits, and use cases of AI for security teams. Request an invite here. Standard AI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence company, announced today that it is pivoting from its original focus on autonomous checkout systems to providing computer vision analytics solutions for retailers. VentureBeat has also learned that the company is now valued at $1.5 billion, a significant milestone as it shifts its business strategy. In conjunction with this strategic shift, Standard AI has promoted COO Angie Westbrock to CEO and SVP of Technology Strategy David Woollard to CTO. The company says its new suite of products will help retailers gain valuable insights into shopper behavior, optimize merchandising strategies, reduce out-of-stock items, and prevent loss — all without using facial recognition or collecting personally identifiable information. “What we found is that by addressing specific challenges like analyzing shopper interactions and monitoring stock levels, retailers and brands could reach ROI and get immediate returns on their investment,” …

Motif Analytics brings sequence analytics to growth teams

Motif Analytics brings sequence analytics to growth teams

Motif Analytics, a startup specializing in sequence analytics for growth teams, today announced that it has raised a $5.7 million seed funding round led by Felicis and Amplify Partners. InvestInData angel group also participated. At its core Motif helps product teams find the patterns in how users interact with their tools. Simply seeing metrics on a dashboard, the team argues, doesn’t provide the right kind of information. Instead, you may want to see what happens between a user looking at a product page, clicking around a site, putting something into a shopping cart and then checking out. “So you have this sequence of events that the user is doing and then you can look and mark in your sequence: here is when a certain thing happened that might affect their actions,” Motif co-founder and CEO Mikahil Panko told me. “Did they see a certain banner, for example? Did they set a reminder for meditation in the meditation app, something like that. And then later, did they check out or do they subscribe?” The company was …

How to use ChatGPT for data analytics

How to use ChatGPT for data analytics

In the fast-paced world of technology, data analytics has become a cornerstone for businesses and researchers alike. The ability to sift through massive amounts of information and extract valuable insights is a skill in high demand. Enter ChatGPT, a powerful ally in the realm of data analytics. This advanced tool is reshaping how we approach the analysis of complex datasets, offering a helping hand to those who seek to make sense of the numbers and trends that define our digital age. When you start using ChatGPT for data analytics, the first step is to get it set up correctly. This involves familiarizing yourself with the platform and the additional features that can be integrated to enhance your data analysis. It’s like setting up a new smartphone; you want to know all the tricks and tools you have at your disposal to make the most of it. Using ChatGPT for data analysis Crafting the right prompts is like having a good conversation. You need to be clear and specific to get the best responses. When you …

Apple Expands Analytics Available to Developers as Part of App Store Changes

Apple Expands Analytics Available to Developers as Part of App Store Changes

As part of the App Store changes being enabled in Europe, Apple is providing all developers worldwide with updated analytics information. More than 50 new reports are available through the ‌App Store‌ Connect API to help developers analyze their app performance. Some of the new metrics: Engagement – Apple is offering additional insight into the number of users on the ‌App Store‌ that interact with a developer’s app or share it with other people. Commerce – Developers can get more information on downloads, sales and proceeds, pre-orders, and transactions made with the In-App Purchase system. App Usage – Apple now provides more information on crashes, active devices, installs, app deletions, and more. Frameworks Usage – Developers can get info on their app’s interaction with iOS features like Widgets, CarPlay, and PhotoPicker. As it does with current reports, Apple will anonymize the data that is used in the new report options. Developers will be able to grant third-party access to their performance reports. More information about report details and access will be provided to developers in …

How to Learn Data Analytics in 2024: Earn a Professional Certificate That Will Help Prepare You for a Job in 6 Months

How to Learn Data Analytics in 2024: Earn a Professional Certificate That Will Help Prepare You for a Job in 6 Months

We’re liv­ing in the age of data. Every sec­ond, mas­sive amounts of data are being gen­er­at­ed, processed, ana­lyzed and, yes, mon­e­tized. Com­pa­nies, gov­ern­ments, and individuals–they’re all awash in data and try­ing to make sense of it. That makes Data Ana­lyt­ics a valu­able skill for pro­fes­sion­als of all ages. Enter Google, which has launched a pro­fes­sion­al cer­tifi­cate in Data Ana­lyt­ics–one that will “have you job-ready in less than 6 months.” Offered on the Cours­era plat­form, the Data Ana­lyt­ics Pro­fes­sion­al Cer­tifi­cate con­sists of eight cours­es, includ­ing “Foun­da­tions: Data, Data, Every­where,” “Pre­pare Data for Explo­ration,” “Data Analy­sis with R Pro­gram­ming,” and “Share Data Through the Art of Visu­al­iza­tion.” Over­all this pro­gram “includes over 180 hours of instruc­tion and hun­dreds of prac­tice-based assess­ments, which will help you sim­u­late real-world data ana­lyt­ics sce­nar­ios that are crit­i­cal for suc­cess in the work­place. The con­tent is high­ly inter­ac­tive and exclu­sive­ly devel­oped by Google employ­ees with decades of expe­ri­ence in data ana­lyt­ics.” Upon com­ple­tion, students–even those who haven’t pur­sued a col­lege degree–can direct­ly apply for jobs (e.g., junior or asso­ciate data ana­lyst, data­base …