AI ‘will not alter fundamental commercial reality’ in news
A report from Enders Analysis has argued that generative artificial intelligence “will not alter the fundamental commercial reality for the news” as the shift online did previously. The research firm cautioned publishers to be “realistic” about the productivity and revenue gains possible from AI, but added that ignoring AI would be “a mistake”. The report found there have been some valuable uses for AI in the newsroom — but argued that there may not be an “immediate, killer news use case to raise revenues”. Worthwhile use cases raised by the analysts included creating audio editions of articles and translating content into foreign languages, although they noted that “translation is not the same as localisation, so such formats won’t mean game-changing audience expansions”. [Read more: How The Economist is using AI to extend its global reach] Thanks for subscribing. Close AI can also help to create “more sophisticated metadata for archival material”, they wrote, in turn making it easier for journalists and readers to access a publisher’s back catalogue. This could have revenue implications for local …