Study explores women’s voices in online pornography abstinence forums
A new study published in Archives of Sexual Behavior examined how women in pornography abstinence forums, particularly r/pornfreewomen, use their experiences of abstaining from pornography to challenge societal norms and support each other. Online forums like Porn Free Women provide spaces for women to discuss their challenges and experiences with pornography abstinence. The current research shifts focus from the more commonly researched male perspectives to highlight the unique experiences of women in these online communities. This research adopted sexual script theory, a perspective suggesting that our behaviors and roles in sexuality are not only biologically based but also shaped by societal norms and cultural scripts. This theory elucidates how individuals internalize and perform expected sexual behaviors that are presumably learned through interaction with their social environments. Researchers Xinyu Zhang and David E. Silva utilized a mixed methods approach combining structural topic modeling (STM) and critical discourse analysis (CDA) to analyze discussions in the r/pornfreewomen subreddit. The study collected posts from January 2019 to February 2023, totaling 8,135 submissions. The dataset included user-generated content that ranged …