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Study Reveals The Simple Trick That Servers Use For Bigger Tips

Study Reveals The Simple Trick That Servers Use For Bigger Tips

It seems new research has emerged that can help restaurant servers secure larger tips, and it all starts with a smile.

In a study published in February 2023 in the International Journal of Hospitality Management, it was discovered that servers who use a simple trick when delivering customers their checks can improve their chances of receiving tips.

Study reveals servers can convince customers to tip more by drawing a smiley face.

The research found that servers who add a smiley face on a bill can increase the average customer tip by a staggering 11%. A hand-drawn emoji seems to affect customers, and the largest increase in tips came from scenarios where multiple emojis were shown with suggested tip amounts.

Neutral faces accompanied lower gratuities and, as the recommended percentage grew, so did the emojis’ cheek-splitting smiles. At full-service restaurants, the presence of emojis saw increases in the average tip go from 22.86% to 25.38% — an overall 11% relative increase. As for food delivery apps, like UberEats and DoorDash, the average tip jumped about 10%, from 14.66% to 16.11%. Takeout orders saw the most growth — 32.8% — with a change from 12.61% to 16.75%.

RELATED: Server Explains Why She’s Against Earning A ‘Livable’ Wage As A Restaurant Employee And Prefers Getting Tips

Photo: SDI Productions / Canva Pro

“This effect is explained by positive emotions, such that the presence of emojis leads to a positive emotional experience for the customer, who in turn leaves a larger tip than they would when no emojis are included,” researchers reasoned in their report. “Smiles are the most direct signal of positive emotions.”

Apparently, a smiley face can stimulate a region of the brain called the occipitotemporal cortex, which internalizes facial perceptions. “We establish that when emojis are included with tip suggestions during the payment transaction, customers tip at a higher percentage than when no emojis are included,” the report stated.


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