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More Israeli Jews have been requesting copies of the New Testament since the Oct. 7 attack –

More Israeli Jews have been requesting copies of the New Testament since the Oct. 7 attack –

While the Jews for the most part had rejected Jesus as their promised Messiah, in his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul writes, that there was a day coming when “all Israel will be saved,” (Romans 11:26).

At the end of the age, we would see the Jews in mass accepting Jesus as their Messiah, and we may already be seeing hints of what is to come.

Jews for Jesus is an organization made up of Messianic Jews dedicated to presenting the gospel to Jews around the world, including Israel.

The organization, which is headquartered in San Francisco, also has offices in both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. According to a statement on its website, the organization has noticed an increased interest in the New Testament among Israeli Jews since the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack.

Since the terrorist attack, the nonprofit has received over 1,200 requests for the New Testament from Jews in Israel.

In an interview with the Christian Post, Jews for Jesus Executive Director Aaron Abramson stated that the attack has resulted in many Jews looking for spiritual answers to the events taking place in Israel.

This is due in part to the failure of the political process to protect them.

While many Jews have embraced Jesus as the Jewish Messiah, others haven’t and the organization has faced pushback from orthodox Jews in Israel.

Abramson recounted the time when 20 to 30 men who were part of an Orthodox Jewish Bible school in Israel tried to physically thwart an outreach by Jews for Jesus.

But despite the resistance, the recent interest in the New Testament hints at the dramatic spiritual change that will eventually take place in Israel in the days leading up to the Second Coming of Christ.

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