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Loose Women’s Denise Welch Addresses Taylor Swift’s New Album

Loose Women’s Denise Welch Addresses Taylor Swift’s New Album

During Thursday’s edition of Loose Women, Denise was put on the spot by fellow panellist Nadia Sawalha, who questioned whether the former Coronation Street star had heard any of Taylor’s new material.

I wasn’t aware she had an album out at all,” Denise responded, prompting big laughs from the studio audience. “I haven’t heard anything about it.”

“Anyway,” she added. “I wish her all the best.”

He claimed: “I haven’t really listened to that much of it. But I’m sure it’s good.”

Stand-out album cut So Long London is thought to be inspired by Taylor’s break-up from her ex of six years, British actor Joe Alwyn, while thanK you aIMee alludes to the singer’s long-held feud with reality star Kim Kardashian.

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