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How Many Times Is Normal To Wake Up At Night?

How Many Times Is Normal To Wake Up At Night?

Did you know that getting up at night to pee has a name (nocturia)?

Not only that, but it turns out there are “normal” amounts of midnight number ones to expect by age, too. Younger people usually get up to urinate once a night, while those in their 90s may still be in the “usual” range if they make four trips in the wee hours.

But not all nocturnal disruptions are to do with the loo. According to a 2010 study, just under a third of us wake up in the middle of the night at least three times a week; while older research found 23% of us get up a minimum of once a night.

And according to experts at the Sleep Foundation, those numbers might be affected by age, as after 60, they say, our circadian rhythm changes.

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