Self-confidence. Noun. A feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement.
Pre forties I had an embarrassment of it. Then came the violent loss of someone close to me, a shattering life event and a divorce that was not of my choosing.
The latter made me question everything I thought about myself. The pain of rejection shot to my very core and made me feel like I wasn’t good enough for anybody or anything.
The thing is I’m not unusual in suffering a crisis of confidence. In fact, unless you are extremely fortunate, I’m sure you are nodding as you are reading this, thinking of the time that triggered yours. Redundancy, relationship breakdown, infertility, motherhood, loss.
But how do we stop it from paralysing us? Stopping us asking for that job, or going on that date or making leap into new challenges? How do we regain our sense of self worth? And find the contentment that that goes with it?
At a breakfast thrown by HELLO! to celebrate International Women’s Day I had the fortune to sit next to life coach Tiwalola Ogunlesi. She radiated confidence and her every sentence was loaded with empathy and wisdom. After a childhood plagued with low self esteem, she’s on a mission to uplift and empower those around her .(She’s written a book called Confident And Killing It and has a podcast of the same name.)
So here are Tiwa’s 7 practical steps to rebuilding confidence and think positively.
They work.
DISCOVER: How to be happy: 30 expert-approved tips to become your most optimistic self
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