It’s a time of excitement in the Hawn-Russell household, as Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell prepare to become grandparents once again, the seventh grandchild for the actress.
The longtime couple are expecting the birth of their son Wyatt Russell and daughter-in-law Meredith Hagner’s second child. The parents are preparing to welcome a second son into the family.
As a result, preparations for the baby are already underway, and mom Meredith has the coziest nursery done up! Check out the warm and inviting space in the video below…
The room was done up in accents of brown, gold, and bits of blue, bathed in a warm light that promised only the most comfiest of naps for the baby and his doting mom.
Meredith, 36, and Wyatt, 37, are already the parents of son Buddy Prine Russell, who turned three years old during the holidays. Wyatt spoke about the idea of celebrating both Christmas and his son’s birthday during an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
Explaining that Buddy’s birthday falls the day after Christmas, he says: “We do Christmas, 25th – we wake up, we do the Christmas. It’s nuts. It’s a disaster most of the day. It’s great most of the day.”
However, when it comes time to get birthday ready, apparently they’re not the only ones who are all tuckered out. “[He] goes to sleep, wakes up. Mer and I are like, ‘Buddy, it’s your birthday!’ Like, ‘Gotta get excited.’
“And he goes – and he’s 3 – he goes, ‘Ugh! Not now!'”
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As they broke down laughing, the former ice hockey player added: “We’re like, ‘You got it! That’s the right answer! You’re learning well.’ Like, no one wants to celebrate your birthday.”
Back in November, around the time she confirmed that she was indeed expecting once again, Meredith shared a vulnerable and honest essay she’d penned about the complexities of motherhood.
“There’s a new stranger attached to you both physically and energetically, and the you that has been 36 years in the making will exist in a different energy entirely,” she wrote.
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“She exists in the surreal portal of the universe that is: newborn. In the late nights, and the cracked nipples, and the flabby stomach. The baby screaming bloody murder and you can’t figure out why.”
She added that she would “look back with a dumb blank face feeling like I was a horrible mother” when she didn’t find herself enveloped by the feelings of bliss that motherhood was supposed to bring.
“I felt so lonely and tired in those early days. And I wish someone had told me how normal that is, and how it’s no way indicative of the mother I would be.”
MORE: Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell’s family share exciting baby update
Meredith continued that despite all that, eventually, a mom reaches a point when it all becomes worth it when she indulges in all the joyous moments she can with her little one and her partner.
“And not long in the not so distant future you and your baby will be dancing together in the kitchen to Lizzo and you’ll bring your unique you-ness to your mothering, and you and your lover will be out at a party and you all will be hiking together and it will all be as it should be.”
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