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Do you really need to cool down after a workout? I tried for 30 days—here’s what happened

Do you really need to cool down after a workout? I tried for 30 days—here’s what happened

I know that cooling down after exercise is meant to be good for you. Taking the time to stretch can improve your flexibility and help your heart rate return to normal. But when I started strength training two years ago I didn’t slot it into my schedule and it never became part of my routine.

However, I hit a training plateau recently and noticed that my strength gains and muscle growth had stalled. I decided to add a cool-down session to my workouts for 30 days to see if it would improve my performance. I committed to doing five to 10 minutes of static stretching after every workout, targeting my most-used muscles.

What I found

(Image credit: Britteny Dee)

1. I was less sore

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