The government of Prime Minister Trudeau legalized the recreational use of Marijuana in Canada in 2018, based on the premise it’s a safe drug.
However, researchers from Canada’s University of Ottawa are reporting that there has been an alarming increase in the number of people developing mental health issues after using cannabis, the Daily Mail reports.
The report found that not only is there an increasing number of people showing up at hospital emergency rooms because of Marijuana-related health issues, but it also found that a third of those who did develop “mental health issues within three years.”
This compared to only 5.6% for the remainder of patients using hospital ERs for non-marijuana-related issues.
The Daily Mail adds:
Researchers warned that men and younger people, aged 10-24 years, were at a greater risk of developing mental health problems, which can range from anxiety to full-on panic attacks.
Dr Daniel Myran, a University of Ottawa researcher, said pot use has rapidly increased in Canada these past 15 years.
His report is a wake-up call for those who believe the drug ‘is relatively harmless or has health benefits,’ he said.
MEANWHILE, IN THE US: California woman who stabbed her date 100 times to death in a marijuana psychosis and dodged a jail sentence blows apart the lie that America is legalizing pot safely