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British tourists warned as grim stomach bugs sweep Spain | World | News

British tourists warned as grim stomach bugs sweep Spain | World | News

Stomach bugs are sweeping through a Spanish seaside province adored by British tourists, a doctor has warned.

The city of Malaga and the surrounding province, visited by millions of UK nationals every year, have seen a rise in the number of people being affected by these viruses over the past few weeks.

The increase in cases is normal at this time of the year as the heat arrives, according to paediatrician Pedro J. Navarro.

However, the pace at which these bugs are passed on can be slowed by taking a few simple precautions, the president of the College of Physicians of Malaga added.

Thoroughly washing hands multiple times a day, and especially after using the bathroom, helps lower the chances of transmission.

Similarly, cleaning spaces shared by multiple people at home, work and in other environments where people coexist is necessary to help stave off these stomach bugs.

The expert told La Opinion de Malaga: “The problem with viruses is that they are very contagious and when someone in the family has an intestinal virus, you have to be extremely careful with hand hygiene and cleaning the toilets and all the utensils in the house because they can be contaminated with droplets that come out when you breathe or touch your mouth, so it is very easy to infect the rest of the family.”

Among the most common symptoms being experienced by people touched by these viruses are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fatigue and a lack of appetite. Fever can also appear in certain instances.

The illnesses sparked by these stomach bugs are normally mild and disappear on their own after four or five days.

People are urged to contact a doctor if their symptoms, including fever and abdominal pain, become more severe and don’t go away after five days.

Those affected are cautioned to drink plenty of water or other hydrating liquids such as alkaline lemonade, take care of their diet and their hygiene and take it easy.

Still, as the symptoms can persist for a few days, they could end up ruining holidays.

Speaking about the reasons behind the insurgence of intestinal viruses in the spring, Dr Navarro added: “In the cold season, the viruses that increase are respiratory viruses, but with the heat, intestinal viruses take on more prominence.”

Malaga, located in the southern region of Andalusia, isn’t just loved by British tourists, but is also home to more than 50,000 UK nationals who have chosen to relocate there.

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