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Boss Tries To Cancel Employee’s Approved PTO After A Coworker Resigns

Boss Tries To Cancel Employee’s Approved PTO After A Coworker Resigns

A boss has come under scrutiny after attempting to dissuade an employee from using his approved time off because of an unexpected staff shortage.

In a TikTok video, content creator and business expert Michael Sanz, who often posts career tips, shared a conversation between a boss and his employee that elicited a strong reaction from viewers.

After a coworker resigned, the boss tried to cancel an employee’s approved PTO because they needed ‘all hands on deck.’

“You will not believe this message I’ve just been sent,” Sanz incredulously began in his video. In a text to his employee Noel, a boss named Nick explained that his coworker, Jenny, recently resigned and Noel would need to cancel his upcoming approved leave because they would need “all hands on deck” to combat Jenny’s sudden exit.

“We can push back a few months. I’ve advised HR, and it’s now changed for you. Appreciate your understanding,” Nick’s message read. Sanz acknowledged that he already sounded like a bad boss, as he canceled his employee’s leave without so much as a conversation. 

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In response, Noel admitted that it’s likely frustrating for Nick to have to scramble and find someone to cover the work of an employee who suddenly resigned, but questioned why his boss had already informed HR that his leave had changed. He informed his boss that he was unable to cancel his trip since his brother was getting married in Bali, the tickets had already been paid, and his kids were in the wedding party.

He also pointed out that he booked this trip and gave notice seven months in advance. Still, he tried to compromise, writing that he would be able to help out more until he left for his trip, but could not change the leave dates. 

His boss tried to convince him to reduce the amount of time that he was gone instead. 

“I’m going to have to ask that you reduce your leave to fly in and fly out. Take 3 days over the weekend then instead of 3 weeks. Not sure what you can do for 3 weeks in Bali haha,” Nick responded, clearly lacking sympathy or understanding for the situation that he was putting his employee in. 

Sanz inputted his opinion, insisting that he would’ve been furious if his boss messaged him in this way, acting as if this major demand was just a joke.


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