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7 Fascinating Things ‘Rule 34’ Explains About Your Sexuality | Dr. Marty Klein

7 Fascinating Things ‘Rule 34’ Explains About Your Sexuality | Dr. Marty Klein

Rule 34 summarizes everything about sexuality.

According to the Urban Dictionary, Rule 34 is a “[g]enerally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject.”

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7 Fascinating Things Rule 34 Explains About Human Sexuality

1. Rule 34 says that human sexual fantasy is limitless.

It says that anything can be eroticized, can be arousing, can be life-affirming. It reminds us that any ideas we have about what’s normal sex are about us, not about sex.

I’m always telling patients, “Don’t blame sex for your ideas about sex.”

2. Rule 34 reminds us exactly what pornography is: a library of human eroticism.

Pornography is a celebration of how humans can stretch their erotic imagination — sometimes in ways that disturb you or me. Nevertheless, pornography celebrates the erotic imagination beyond specific content.

Like the ability to imagine the future, and the knowledge that we’re going to die, the enormous range of pornography is uniquely human.

3. Rule 34 also reminds us that people don’t necessarily want to do what they fantasize about.

Sex with Kramer, George, and Jerry at the same time?

Sex with a dolphin? Sex with someone about to be guillotined for stealing a loaf of bread? Sex with your grandmother at high noon on Times Square? A threesome with Batman and Robin?

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4. Rule 34 also reminds us of the coin’s other side — that none of us can imagine the entire range of human eroticism.

That should keep us humble. It’s somewhat like a gourmet traveling to a far-off, isolated country and discovering they eat something there he never considered food — say, fried worms. The issue isn’t so much does the gourmet want to eat fried worms; rather, it’s the idea that there’s “food” that he never considered food.

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